
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Cross Country

Cross country

The screaming, the cheering, my heart pounding in my chest. Go! Shouted sir as we bolted towards the quad bike. We had only been running for 30 seconds and I was already knacked. I looked at the sea of people on my left side, arms up in the air, yelling so hard I couldn’t hear myself. I thought my eardrums would burst. The end of the hill loomed in the distance. As I boosted down the hill with all of my strength I could see the quad becoming smaller and before i knew it I was left behind with caedance and a girl from Niwa. All that we could hear was birds cheeping and the distant yelling of the kids and parents. As we all went around the corner and past the lakes the screaming grew louder and louder. Finally as we went past the last hill the tarpolen with many people of all sizes came into view. We trudged up the hill with all our strength we suddenly heard a growling in the distance and I turned around quickly. Then the quad came into view with two boys behind it. As we rapidly ran the Niwa girl got left behind so I went back for her and we jogged through the finish shoulder to shoulder.


  1. Wow, you have carefully chosen quality vocab to enhance this piece. So kind of you to go back for another student to make sure that she was okay. That truly is Paparore spirit.

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